Nov 30, 2014

Prophétie - L'Eternel

2004-2006? (Cd rip@256)

From Reunion Island, some perfect reggae. When I arrived on the island in 2006, we could still hear the band playing in various bars & partys. It was a great mixture between compositions and great classical covers.
Excellent Cd and very good memories.


  1. Hello Aduna,

    It's been quiet here for a long time, I hope you're OK.
    Just comment here to let you know that I finally made a first post on my own blog, and added yours to my list, if that's OK with you.

    Mangue Music

  2. Hello Aduna,

    If you get this message, please contact me by mail.
    Have a question about Senegalese recordings I'm planning to post.

    Thanks, Mangue
